Gvaramadze Patent Bureau
Leading IP and Law firm in Georgia
Gvaramadze Patent Bureau is the leading IP and Law firm in Georgia and was founded in Spring, 1993 in Georgia by the Patent Attorney and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Shalva Gvaramadze.
The prehistory of Gvaramadze Patent Bureau encompasses Dr. Shalva Gvaramadze's activities during 1991-1992. Which at first is connected with the preparation of conceptions in the field of Protecting of Industrial Property Rights of Independent Georgia and then preparation of principal Legal Acts in this field.
At the end of December, 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed (de jure).
In December 22, 1991 the drafts of Law on Patents and Trademarks prepared by the initiative group were published. In March, 1992 these drafts were approved as Regulations and on May 1, 1992 Georgian Patent Office started to operate. This was the first Patent Office in the post USSR countries.
Dr. Sh.Gvaramadze continued his work with the group and prepared the instructions in Summer, 1992. Manana Davitashvili, Doctor in Chemistry Mary Kakauridze, Trademark specialist Slava Meskhi, Doctor in Mathematics and Computer networking Lali Gogilashvili, Doctor in Chemistry Maka Batsatsashvili and Computer database manager Dr. Sh. Gvaramadze, where among the very first which registered at the Georgian Patent Office as a Patent Attorneys on January 12, 1993. For beginning Dr. Sh. Gvaramadze began his business on his own and then together with the other invited Patent Attorneys and assistants jointly established Gvaramadze Patent Bureau. In 1998, the work renewed in the commission already existing under the Parliament of Georgia and Dr. Sh. Gvaramadze actively participated in the preparation of new law drafts. The new laws were approved by the Parliament of Georgia and they stepped into force in 1999. At the end of nineties Gvaramadze Patent Bureau grew as a major leading company in the field of Protecting of Industrial Property Rights in Georgia. The separate group on trademarks and also on patents were set up at the Bureau. Highly experienced technical and scientific professionals from various Institutes under the Academy of Sciences of Georgia were invited to work at the Bureau. The invited specialists are good professionals and they can provide with qualified services in all technical areas including organic Chemistry, Pharmacochemistry, Bio-technology, Mechanics, Mechanical engineering, Electronics and Tele-communication systems. The separate group of lawyers was also formulated. Although, the volume of work is not significant in this field, they are capable to protect our client’s interests in all Court instances of Georgia and Administrative organs with regard to the trademarks as well as patents. The Bureau can provide with the services connected with the registration and renewal of .ge Domain Names.